
Wednesday 29 April 2020

Wednesday Blog Post
Activities for April 29-May 6

Belonging and Contributing

  • Throughout the CoVid 19 crisis, we have become keenly aware of the sacrifices that our ‘First Responders’ (e.g., doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals, PSW’s, firefighters, EMT’s, etc…) are making in order to keep us safe and meet the needs of those who find themselves requiring medical attention for whatever reason. We are humbled by their bravery, sacrifice and care for all of us. Have a discussion with your child about the role that these individuals are playing in the midst of this season of isolation and waiting. Talk about what they might be able to do to recognize and honour their contribution. Possible suggestions might be to have your child make cards which can be dropped off at a Fire Hall, Police Station or Hospital which recognize and thank these individuals for all that they are doing. Your child can participate in creating a ‘family designed banner or sign’ which can be displayed on your front door, front window or on a fence which is highly visible from the street as a tribute to their efforts. Delivering a small treat (e.g., cookies, candies, etc…) with a card or note from your child to some of these folks would be an added expression of kindness and gratitude.

  • Many of us are finding that we are unable to connect with close family members due to isolation restrictions. Children are missing important people in their lives such as grandparents, aunts/uncles, older siblings living away from home and teachers. Discuss with your child the possibility of him/her creating a short video which includes a greeting, a little song, a funny joke or simply a quick “I love you and I miss you.” message. Send these greetings out as often as your schedule permits. They will be deeply appreciated and cherished by those who receive them.

Self-Regulation and Well-Being

  • Being a good friend requires several things from each of us. Have a talk with your child about ‘what makes a good friend.’ Help your child think of words that name some qualities that good friends have (e.g., is a good listener, shares, is kind, takes turns, is a helper, is honest, etc…). Create a word cloud using the words that you and your child generate. Cut out a large heart from a piece of paper or construction paper. Have your child write the words that s/he has come up with inside that heart. Try to fill the entire space with these words. Place the ‘word cloud’ somewhere in your home where everyone can see and read what is written inside it. Your child may even wish to give their word cloud a title with words such as ‘A GOOD FRIEND IS SOMEONE WHO…’

  • Make sure you are getting exercise and moving each day. Here is a YouTube link that provides you with nearly an hour of ‘child friendly’ movement and music guaranteed to pump your heart rate and improve your overall mood and disposition.

Demonstrates Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours

  • Watch and listen to the non-fiction text, How Do You Know It Is Spring? By Lisa Harrington. You can access the text by clicking on...
At the end of the book, the reader asks the question...What is your favourite thing to do in spring? Draw a picture that shows what your favourite thing to do in spring is. Write a sentence which tells about what you have drawn. For example, 

My favourite thing to do in spring is splash in rain puddles. 

  • Much earlier in the month, you were asked to create an APRIL calendar and track the weather each day. If you did that, you have collected a lot of information (data) by now. Tomorrow is the last day of APRIL. Count up how many days of each type of weather we had throughout APRIL (rainy, cloudy, windy, sunny, partly cloudy). Which type of weather did we have the most of? Least of? Can you show your data in a different way? You can...make a graph! Talk about what you found out with an adult.

  • This Friday marks the first day of MAY. You may want to repeat this activity again by creating a new calendar and tracking the weather throughout the month. If you choose to do that, you might want to COMPARE what you found out in April with what you will find out in May. 
  • Go on a ‘3-D Figure Hunt’ in your home. Using a tally chart, record how many cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, spheres or cylinders you are able to find? Once again, you have collected ‘data.’ Which figure did you find the most of? Least of? Was there a figure that you were NOT able to find? If so, which one? Show your data using a picture, chart or graph. 

Problem Solving and Innovation

  • Be a ‘Rock Collector.’ Listen to the book, Rhonda’s Rock Hunt Over the next several days while going on walks with a parent or your entire family, have your own rock hunt and begin a collection of interesting and unusual rocks you find along the way. Look for rocks with unique shapes and markings. Pay attention to their different colours and textures. Look for smooth rocks and rough textured rocks. Can you find rocks that sparkle or that look glassy? Over time, you can add to your collection. This is not about finding and saving EVERY rock that you see. Rather, look for rocks that are really interesting and ‘one of a kind.’ Take a picture of your collection and share it with the class. Make a list of words that describe your rocks (e.g., large, small, speckled, bumpy, smooth, glittery, etc…) 
  • Rock Challenge:  After collecting some rocks, see how high you can stack some of them. Can you make a stack with 5 rocks? 6 rocks? 7 rocks? More than 7? Take a picture of your ‘tallest stack’ and send it in for all of us to see. Have fun collecting!


If a tricycle has three wheels, how many wheels will 3 tricycles have in all? How do you know? How can you show your answer?

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