
Wednesday 8 April 2020

Learning Activities
April 8-14

Belonging and Contributing:
-Organize and tidy the ‘shoe area’ in your mudroom or shoe closet at home. Pair shoes up with their mates. Put shoes that are alike in some way together (e.g., athletic shoes, boots, shoes that belong to a particular family member). When you are done, go and give your parents a big hug and tell them that you love them.

-Discuss with a parent some plans for a small garden in your backyard for this summer. Consider what you might want to or perhaps lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes or maybe even watermelon (if you have lots of space). Write out a shopping list of things that you will need (e.g., peat pots, soil, seeds, etc…). Draw a picture of what you want your garden to look like. Post it in a place where your family will see it. You may want to name your garden. If so, choose a name that means something to you. 

Self-Regulation and Well-Being:
-Talk with a parent about things that you can do when someone is bothering/annoying you (e.g., ask politely for them to stop, ignore, walk away, etc…). 

-Do 5-10 minutes of light aerobic activity each day on your patio, deck or in your family room if space permits. Encourage other family members to join you. Come on, Mom and Dad. You’ll enjoy it, too. 

-With an adult assisting you, make a fruit platter with three different kinds of fruit on it for the family to enjoy as a snack. Talk about why fruit makes a good, healthy snack. 

Demonstrates Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours:
-Consider developing a PenPal relationship with a classmate or friend who lives in your neighbourhood. Write a short letter to your friend. Perhaps include a picture, too. Put it into an envelope and address it with his/her name. While out on a walk with a family member, place the envelope into their mailbox. Be sure to include your address on the ‘return address’ so that your NEW PenPal can write back and deliver you a letter in a similar kind of way. Letters can be as long or short as you wish. Pictures you’ve drawn are nice, too.

-Create your own APRIL calendar. Decorate it with drawings which make you think of spring such as flowers, ladybugs, clouds and rainbows. Write numbers 1-30 on your calendar, one for each day of the month. Record the weather that we experience each day (e.g., rain, sunny, cloudy, etc…). At the end of the month, count up and see how many days of each type of weather we had. Which type of weather did we have the most of? Least of? Show those numbers in two different ways (e.g., tallies, ten frame, numeral, etc…). Sing the ‘Days of the Week’ song. Have conversations about what you did ‘yesterday’ and what you might do ‘tomorrow.’

Problem Solving and Innovation:
-Here is a problem for you to solve:  Pretend that you are visiting a farm and you have just walked into the barn. Standing in front of you is an animal with four legs and a tail. What animal could it be?  Draw a picture of your animal. Write a sentence about your animal. I would LOVE to collect some of your ‘Problem Solving Pictures’ and post them on our Blog. Remember, however, not to send a picture of yourself, only your drawing and writing. 

-Can you create something using a small collection of nuts, bolts, screws, nails, etc…? Ask a parent nicely if they might find you a jar full of assorted ‘building fasteners.’ You can make your creation either two- or three-dimensional. Take a picture of what you have make and post it on REMIND. Tell us something about your creation. What will you come up with?

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