
Wednesday 1 April 2020

Learning From Home
in K-1
April 1- April 7, 2020

Here is a collection of fun and engaging activities you can use to keep your child engaged and actively learning while self-isolating in your home this week.

Belonging and Contributing:
  • Helping around the house:  set the table for a meal; help put away dishes after they’ve been washed and dried; make up your bed
  • Pet care:  feed, groom or clean up after a family pet
  • Help prepare a family treat:  assist a parent with making cookies; prepare ‘ants on a log’ (cream cheese or peanut butter spread on celery sticks with raisins on top) for an afternoon snack for the family
  • Working with a parent, dye and decorate Easter eggs

Self-Regulation and Well-Being:
  • Talk about your feelings. Draw a picture of yourself showing how you are feeling (e.g., sad, happy, excited, bored…). Talk about what has made you feel that way
  • Review good hand-washing practices. Watch a YouTube video on proper hand-washing (e.g.,
  • Dance for 5-10 minutes to your favourite song

Demonstrates Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours
  • Make a book about hand-washing. Have a parent staple some pages of paper together. Trace around your hand on each page. Write a few words which identify the steps in proper hand-washing (e.g., wet hands, use soap, rub hands, between fingers…) Encourage your child to sound out the words that s/he needs on each page. Add details and colour each picture
  • Read a book at your reading level. Parents can access a 14 day free trial at on the internet and download books your child might be interested in reading. There are thousands of books on the site levelled from aa-z

  • Pick a number between 1-10. Show that number in as many ways as you can (e.g., as a numeral, tallies, five/ten frame, dice, dominos, word, fingers on your hand(s), a number story 1+1=2, picture, number line, etc…
  • Go on a number hunt around the house. Have a parent choose a number between 1-10. Look around the house and find as many places as you can where that number appears

Problem-Solving and Innovating

  • Put a puzzle together
  • Build a tower out of your favourite building material (e.g., Lego, Duplo, foam blocks, etc…) that is taller than you are. Draw a picture of it
  • Wondering at the Window: find a window in your home and look out of it for five minutes. What trees and plants do you see? What animals do you see? What are the animals doing? Do you see any insects? If so, what are they and how many of them are there? Talk with an adult about a question you might have. For example:  I wonder what that bird is doing? OR How many ‘signs of spring’ can you see from your window? What are they?

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