
Tuesday 28 April 2020

More Hard-Working Kinders...

JP and his family wanted to remind everyone what was truly important about this unusual time we currently find ourselves in.

It is so much fun colouring Easter eggs with my big brother! JP and LP create beautiful spring colours with their eggs and dye.

JP puts his creative building skills to great use with Lincoln Logs. Can you guess what it is?

H H-D drew up a 'plan' before setting out to build her fort. Check out the finished product. Note the 'social distancing.' 

AM and her older brother took on the 'Fort Building Challenge' indoors. With a little help, AM put together a list of what was needed and a simple diagram outlining the construction plan.

MP is thoroughly enjoying on-line learning. 

WM enjoys reading a good, non-fiction book. 
 Keep up the great work!

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