
Monday 27 April 2020

Hot Off the Presses...
Work & Wonderings

LS accepted the challenge to get creative with recyclable materials.
He made a garage for his model cars.  

PM used marshmallows and toothpicks to create a house with a front door, chimney and roof. There is even a person standing outside the house. This was a challenge issued a couple of weeks ago.

LS created a new couch for her Barbie dolls using recyclable materials. Plans are in the works to 'renovate the doll house.' 

HH-D decided to treat her stuffies to a K-1 morning circle activity. The discussion centred around learning about each animal--what each ate, where they lived, what they actually looked like in real life, etc...
 When the thinking was offered that Bear's main food was 'humans,' Bear kindly set everyone straight and gave them the proper answer.

MD used Duplo as a 'representative tool' to support his thinking after he answered this week's problem solving task.

MD also kept busy with our toilet paper roll building challenge. This is one of several structures which he was able to create.

After cutting out a traced footprint, MD estimated and then measured how many footprints it would take to measure his mother from head to toe.

 MM decided to give the 'fort challenge' a try.
Love the mask, MM!

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