
Wednesday 1 April 2020

Learning From Home 
is Lots of Fun!

Here are just a few examples of the amazing things that some of our K-1 families are doing this week.

MD and his mother have been learning about animal homes and the ways in which animals get food. While on a neighbourhood walk, they saw a squirrel's nest, a bird's nest and a wasp nest. After returning home, M took the ingredients found in the picture on the left and made bird feeders. The picture on the right shows the feeder hanging from a tree in M's backyard.

MM has been hard at work labelling different objects in her home.

While on an afternoon walk with a parent, PM explored texture and quantity outside.

Following the 'fun in the rain' activity on Monday, 
L and L drew and coloured a picture of what they experienced in their yard.

Thank you for sharing!

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