
Saturday 9 November 2013

Which Might Sprout First?

On Wednesday, November 6th, you will recall that we had begun a scientific investigation to see which growing medium might germinate fresh pumpkin seeds. Scientists in the classroom decided that we should put soil inside the pumpkin from which most of the seeds had been harvested and see what happens. That sparked the question, "In what else could we try to sprout a pumpkin seed?" After giving some consideration to our options, additional growing mediums were prepared in red plastic cups. These included water, soil, moist cotton balls, rice and play dough. The following day, a survey was conducted to predict which growing medium would germinate first. Here are the results...

Students overwhelmingly thought that the seeds planted in the cup containing just soil would be the first to sprout. Only time will tell. 

Here you can see our experiment on the window ledge. We will keep you posted as news develops.

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