
Tuesday 19 November 2013

Pumpkin Sprouts?  Well, Not Yet...

Several weeks ago, our kindergarten botanists conducted a classroom experiment to see if pumpkin seeds would sprout in a variety of growing mediums. I am sorry to report that there has not been any action in the sprouting of the seeds. In fact, our pumpkin with the soil placed in it began to decompose rapidly. Considerable amounts of fungus began growing inside the pumpkin as the outer shell caved in on itself. The seeds placed in water, rice, cotton and play dough showed no signs of growth at all. The smell coming from each of the cups was enough to suggest that germination would be highly unlikely. The seeds which were placed into a red cup with only soil have not yet sprouted, but we are still hopeful that something may occur in the next several weeks. Ms. Campbell, with the help of many excited kinders, dug a hole out in our play yard and buried the pumpkin and its contents down in it. Who knows what spring will bring? Stay tuned for further developments.

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