
Sunday 3 November 2013

Pumpkins are EVERYWHERE!

Last week, our young scientists put our classroom pumpkins to the test by engaging in a range of investigations which were educational and FUN!

We began by predicting whether or not our pie pumpkin would float or not when placed in a tub of water. Each scientist made a prediction and recorded it on a chart. We learned that scientists call these predictions 'hypotheses.'

When all of the hypotheses were in, we were ready to conduct the experiment.

After discovering that our pie pumpkin FLOATED, we couldn't wait to see if our field pumpkin and our Jack-be-Nimble pumpkin would float, too. They did!

A new day brought another investigation. How many seeds would we find in our pie pumpkin? Hmmm...??? Well, there was only one way to find out. Again, students made predictions as to the total number of seeds we'd find in our pumpkin and recorded them on a chart. Wow, our predictions covered quite a range. Carefully, Ms. Campbell cut the top off of the pumpkin and everyone peered inside. There were A LOT of seeds! The counting began. With the use of double ten-frames, students worked with partners to arrange the seeds carefully onto the frames so that an accurate total could be reached.

There were 467 seeds in all!  Whew!!!

Children delighted in other pumpkin activities found around the classroom.

Throughout the past several weeks, we have read a number of both fictional and non-fictional texts pertaining to pumpkins. We gathered some of our learning and recorded it on a classroom anchor chart.

More pumpkin investigations await us this upcoming week as we plant pumpkin seeds and create bracelets which will serve as a reminder of the life cycle of a pumpkin.

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