
Wednesday 13 May 2020

Weekly Blog Post Activities
May 13-May 20

Belonging and Contributing

* This morning, we awoke to a glorious, sunny day. Yes, the temperature is a bit nippy, but the sky is a beautiful shade of blue and sitting in the middle of it all is a huge ball of light and energy--THE SUN! This week, we are going to learn a little about the sun and why it is so important.To get us started, consider taking a walk with a parent or an older sibling sometime this morning or afternoon. When you are outside and the sunshine is streaming down on you, how does it feel against your body? When it is sunny outside, how does that affect your mood? Are you more likely to feel happy or sad? Talk with an adult about things that you like to do on a sunny day. Some suggestions might be--have a picnic, help a parent wash the car, kick a soccer ball back and forth to each other, or look for interesting insects in your garden or backyard lawn. 

* Can you think of songs that tell about the sun?  Here’s one that you might know…

You Are My Sunshine
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are gray.
You’ll never know dear
How much I love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away.

The other night, dear
As I lay sleeping,
I dream’t I held you in my arms.
And now that you’re here
My dreams are waking
And I will keep you from all harm.

I’ll always love you
And make you happy.
I’ll pick you up when you’ve fallen down.
You turn the sky blue
When it is raining.
You’ll always keep the sunshine around.

You can listen and sing along using this link:

Self-Regulation and Well-Being

* Here is a slide presentation created and narrated by our own Mrs. MacDonald about the Zones of Regulation, Which Zone Am I In?. Click on the link below and, under the ‘VIEW’ drop down menu, click on ‘Present’ at the very top. The slide show will load automatically onto your computer. To advance the slides, click on the ‘enter’ button on your computer keyboard. Which zone are you in? 

* How can we be safe in the sun? Watch George, the Sun Safe Superstar!

Demonstrates Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours

* There are several things that George shared about how to be safe when we are outside in the sunshine. Rewatch the video read-aloud displayed above if needed. Make a book about Sun Safety. Write about some of the things that you learned which will help you stay safe when you are outside in the sun. You may want to use this sentence frame to help you get started…

I   can   _______   in   the   sun.
(I can wear a hat in the sun.  I can wear sunglasses in the sun.  I can wear sunscreen in the sun. Etc…)

* William tracked the weather for seven days. He recorded the information on a table. See below.









  • Can you show William’s information in a different way? (e.g., use 5 Frames, tally marks or a graph)
  • What did you learn from William’s information?
    • How many rainy days were there in the week?
    • How many sunny days were there in the week?
    • How many cloudy days were there in the week?
    • Which kind of weather was there the MOST of in the week?
    • Which kind of weather was there the LEAST of in the week?
    • How many MORE sunny days were there than cloudy days in the week?
    • How do you know?

Problem Solving and Innovation

* The SUN is important because it gives us energy. Listen to the following video read-aloud, Energy From the Sun.  

What did you learn about the sun’s energy?  Talk about it with a parent. Draw a picture of one way in which the sun’s energy helps us. Write labels to name two things in your picture. 

Go outside in your backyard and look around. What do you see that NEEDS the sun’s energy to live? 

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