
Tuesday 5 May 2020

There Are Many Ways To Share Donuts

Over the past few days, students have been responding to our 'Donut Sharing Challenge.' Take a look at the many ways students have represented their thinking. Brilliant work, boys and girls!

GI used Cheerios and yellow cups to represent her thinking.

HH-D cut out a printed copy of the activity posted on REMIND.

 LS used coloured blocks and three plastic bowls to solve the problem.

 LS used toy cars to represent the donuts and made three rows to represent the donut boxes.

RR created beautiful donuts with paper and 'sprinkles' to help him visualize and solve the problem.

Making models and using 'thinking tools' to represent objects in a mathematical problem are wonderful ways to bring flexibility of understanding and a means of communicating the thought process when working toward an answer.

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