
Tuesday 5 May 2020

And The Learning Continues...

Here are some of the things we've been doing so far while learning at home this week.
GI took an opportunity to paint a picture of two women who have impacted her life greatly, Mom and Grandma.

MM drew a picture of 'Miss Mom' and shared that she likes rainbows.

MM and her brother H created an off-line coding adventure in their living room. MM gave directions as a blindfolded H made his way through the maze to the final destination.

LP used her knowledge of 2-dimensional shapes to create a colourful piece of modern art. Above, you will see the piece in process. Underneath is the finished product.

RR decided to compare the size of his footprint to the size of his ears.

While on a lovely afternoon nature walk, look what SC happened upon.  Don't get too close. Mommy Goose might not approve.

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