
Friday 26 June 2020

Today is:

Water Day!

You have ONE TASK for the day. That task is to HAVE FUN!!! As the weather promises to be lovely, try to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and a little bit of water. Some of you have swimming pools in your backyards.  If so, great! Have a family swim. Maybe you have a wading pool. Fill it with fresh water and splash around in it for a while. Others have sprinklers that can be set up. Turn it on and run through it. Perhaps you have some squirt guns, super soakers or even clean, plastic spray bottles. Fill them up and cool yourselves off with a spray or two. Take care and enjoy the afternoon together as a family. Take a picture and send it to Miss P. or myself on REMIND. We LOVE hearing from you and we get a real kick out of seeing the fun you and your family are having together. 

Boys and girls, always make sure that a parent or adult is present when you are playing around open water. We want you to BE SAFE as you are having fun today. 

We look forward to seeing and hearing about all of your 'water adventures.'

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