
Friday 26 June 2020

Our Final Day

Good morning! Can you believe that it is finally upon us--the last day of the 2019-20 school year? And what a year it has been. I am so very proud of each of you boys and girls and all that you have accomplished over these past ten months. You have had to face some interesting obstacles along the way. You persevered when things became challenging and you managed to surpass all of our expectations. Parents, this could not have happened without your hard work, diligence and dedication. You have been on the 'frontline' these past three and a half months. You receive top marks for all of your efforts in making sure that the learning continued while we were unable to come back together following March Break as a result of the need for social distancing. Bravo!!!

Next year promises to be equally as unique as the year that is now behind us. We are all awaiting guidance and direction from the Ministry of Education, Public Health and the DSBN as we anticipate what September is going to look like in our public schools. Stay connected by logging onto the DSBN website ( for the most up-to-date information and direction throughout the summer.

I wish for each and everyone of you a most happy, healthy and blessed summer. We ALL deserve a break. Take this time to relax, recharge and ponder the journey that has brought us to this moment. Take a moment to pat yourselves on the back. You have done a wonderful job. Celebrate that. Know that I will be there to support you when we return to Parnall in the fall, regardless of what that may look like. 

Happy summer, everyone. You are on my heart and in my thoughts always.

See you in September!

Mr. Pickett

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