
Thursday 3 March 2016

Kindergarten Agape Valley 
Sugar Bush Trip

We are ready to enjoy Maple Syrup Days in Kindergarten! The children in the Parnall Kindergarten classes will be going by bus to Agape Valley (in Ridgeville) for a tour of the Sugar Bush. Our trip takes place on Friday morning, April 1st. We will be leaving Parnall School by bus at 9:10 (after attendance and pizza orders are taken) and our tour will begin promptly at 9:30. We will be unable to wait for late arrivals.

Please have your child dress appropriately for the weather. Boots and either snow pants or splash pants are A MUST! The tour will include a hay wagon ride from the Pancake House to the Sugar Bush operation, a hike through the bush to see different methods of sap collection and a visit to see how the syrup is bottled and labeled. The children will get to sample the syrup on fresh, hot pancakes. A juice box will also be provided. Please keep this in mind when packing snacks for later that morning. It is also a PIZZA DAY.

The cost of the trip is $12.00 per student, which includes the cost of the bus as well as entry into the Sugar Bush. Due to the large number of kindergarten children attending, we are limited to ONLY 3 parent volunteers per class. Parents who are chosen to attend the trip will be responsible for paying the $12.00 fee as well. DO NOT PAY THIS FEE UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN AND NOTIFIED. Payment for this trip can be made using the CASH ONLINE system OR you can submit payment to your classroom teacher. 

If you would like to be considered as a parent volunteer for this trip, please advise Mr. Pickett by email ( Mr. Pickett will notify you if you have been chosen to act as a parent volunteer. 

We are looking forward to a delightful trip to the Sugar Bush.

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