
Thursday 3 March 2016


Our Fred Penner Concert field trip has been rescheduled for Tuesday morning, March 8th. The concert will be held at the same time and location (Bethany Community Church). We realize that the rescheduling of this trip may not allow either you or your child the opportunity to attend. Please get back with either Mrs. Jones or myself if your plans have changed as by Friday, March 4th. 

As was previously mentioned in an earlier post, plan on arriving at school prior to the morning entry bell (8:50AM). Ask your child to remain in his/her winter wear and boots. We will take attendance, gather in our groups and board the buses immediately. We are scheduled to depart the school by 9:00AM. Those children arriving after 9:00AM will have to remain back at the school.

It is suggested that you remind your child to eat a hearty breakfast and go to the washroom prior to leaving your home as there will not be much time for this once we arrive at the school.

Thanks so much. We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday morning.

Mr. Pickett & Mrs. Jones

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