
Monday 23 November 2015

Senior Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Conference

If you are the parent of a Senior Kindergarten student in the District School Board of Niagara, you have no doubt heard that your child will not be receiving a Progress Report in mid-December. In lieu of a Progress Report, Mr. Pickett and Mrs. O'Neill would like to offer you the opportunity to come in for a 10 minute Parent/Teacher Conference to discuss your child's progress thus far this year. Conferences will be conducted beginning Monday, November 30th-Thursday, December 10th at these times...

8:15-8:25 AM
8:25-8:35 AM
3:30-3:40 PM
3:40-3:50 PM

Please enclose a short note in your child's ZIPPY BAG listing 3 choices of dates and times which would work best with your schedule. Requests will be taken on a First Come/First Serve basis. A confirmation of your conference appointment will be sent back to you in your child's Zippy Bag.

We are excited about and anxiously look forward to seeing you so that we might discuss your child's many accomplishments over the past three months.

Mr. Pickett
Mrs. O'Neill

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