
Monday 23 November 2015


Beginning this week, our classroom will be running a monthly PASTA LUNCH fundraising event to earn money for learning materials in our classroom. Pasta Lunch order forms are coming home this afternoon in your child's Zippy Bag. Students will be given the option to order either pasta with tomato sauce and meatballs or pasta with butter. A roll and carrot sticks with ranch dressing will accompany each meal. The lunch comes at a cost of $3.00 per child. Please complete the form and send it back to school tomorrow (Tuesday, November 24th) with $3.00 cash attached to the order form. If you wish to send additional items in your child's lunchbox to supplement his/her pasta meal, please feel free. Pasta Lunch will be served at our regularly scheduled lunch time (12:15-12:45 PM).

This fundraising event will occur on the last Wednesday of each month throughout the remainder of the school year. We hope that your child will choose to join us as the response in past years has been overwhelmingly positive.

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