
Sunday 9 November 2014

SK Parent/Teacher Interviews
On Tuesday, November 11th and Wednesday, November 12th, Mr. Pickett and Mrs. O'Neill will be meeting after school with parents of our SK students for a 10 minute interview. These interviews follow the SK Progress Reports having been sent home last week. During these brief interviews, parents and teachers have the opportunity to discuss how children are settling into their classrooms this fall and looking ahead toward setting both academic and social goals for the remainder of the year. To prepare for your interview, consider the following:
  • please arrive a few minutes before your scheduled time
  • read the progress report prior to coming in to meet the teacher so that the information will be fresh on your mind
  • have questions/concerns written down so that       they do not get forgotten
  • give thought to a few goals, both social and academic, which you feel are important to focus upon
We are truly looking forward to meeting with you and discussing your child's accomplishments.

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