
Sunday 9 November 2014

JK Observation Days Coming Soon

Parents of JK students will have the opportunity, beginning November 17th, to come into the classroom for an hour and observe their child participating in the Full Day Kindergarten Program. During that time, you will observe your child engaging with their peers as they play at a variety of learning centres and play areas. Information concerning this observation opportunity was sent home to you in your child's Zippy Bag this past Friday, November 7th. Following the observation, you will have a chance to step out of the room and have a brief discussion with the teacher regarding what you observed. For those JK parents who may have received an SK Interview form by accident, I do apologize. The upcoming interviews are for our SK parents. Please know that at ANY TIME, if you wish to schedule a meeting with myself and Mrs. O'Neill to discuss your child's progress to date, we are more than happy to accommodate you in whatever way possible. Simply slip a note into your child's Zippy Bag alerting us of your desire to get together and give us a few scheduling options. We will get back with you regarding a time that works for all parties concerned. 

Thank you again for entrusting your children to us. It is an honour and a privilege to journey alongside your child during this exciting time of development and wonder. 

J. Pickett

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