
Tuesday 21 October 2014

Upcoming Hallowe'en Festivities

Next Friday, October 31st promises to be a fun-filled, spooky day at Parnall School. As you begin to make plans, here is a bit of information you will want to keep in mind as you prepare for the festivities.

The fun begins in the morning when the Kindergarteners will be invited into the gymnasium for a short Hallowe'en dance. Age-appropriate favourites like The Hokey Pokey, The Chicken Dance and The Monster Mash will be just a few of the songs played to entertain the girls and boys.

Students are encouraged to NOT wear their Hallowe'en costumes to school that morning. If possible, the children should be picked up and taken home during their lunch break (12:55-1:35PM) so that they can get into makeup and costume before returning to school for the Hallowe'en parade which is scheduled to begin at 1:40 PM. Parents are invited to stay at the school and watch the entire student body model their costumes as they parade around the school building. 

Following the parade, a short party will take place in the classroom. Donations of healthy party snacks (sliced cheese, crackers, popcorn, veggies and dip, fresh fruit, etc...) would be greatly appreciated. A donation of a case of apple juice drink boxes has already been generously offered by a classroom parent. If you are able to make a food contribution, please inform Mr. Pickett or Mrs. O'Neill of your intended donation.

Following the Hallowe'en party, all of the Kindergarten students will gather for a viewing of It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown before returning to their classrooms to prepare for dismissal. 

Lots of fun and surprises await our Princesses, Super Heroes, Goblins and Ghouls. 

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