
Saturday 6 September 2014

Scholastic Book Order Forms

This year, our classroom family will be participating in the Scholastic Book Club Reading Program. Each month, two book order forms will be sent home with your son/daughter in their ZIPPY BAG. You will have several days to read through the order form and make your selections. If you wish to purchase any books, complete your order and send it back to school in the ZIPPY BAG, along with a CHEQUE made out to Scholastic Book Club in the amount of the order. NO CASH, PLEASE! A class wide order will be placed following the Scholastic due date indicated on the monthly classroom calendar. After the books have arrived at the school, I will package the orders up and send them home with your child. If you wish to order books as a birthday or Christmas surprise gift, please indicate that in a note when you send me back your order. Include a phone number where you can be reached through the day. I will call you and we can arrange pickup of the books at a time which is convenient to us both. HAPPY READING!!!

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