
Saturday 6 September 2014

How Many?

Counting for the purpose of determining quantity is a fundamental mathematical skill that we all use every day of our lives. Throughout our year together, the children, Mrs. O'Neill and I will have an infinite number of opportunities to hone our counting skills. On Friday, the S/K's used a simple graphing activity (see below) to practise this critical skill. We then discussed the two quantities and then wondered which was more, 8 or 7? By means of further discussion and comparison, we determined that 8 is one more than 7. 

In wrapping up the activity, one child, PB, asked "How many are 8 and 7?" I opened the question up to the group. Another child, GM, suggested that we "Count all of the clothes pins to find out." So that is what we did. We quickly determined the answer as being 15. As we wrapped up and began getting ready to dismiss for the day, it was quite obvious that the children were pleased with themselves. 

They are all so smart!!! It is going to be a phenomenal year.

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