
Sunday 27 October 2013

A Fun-filled Day at Bry-Anne Farm Pumpkin Patch 

Last Wednesday, 74 students and a team of parents and teachers made their way to Bry-Anne Farm in Fenwick, Ontario for an afternoon of learning and fun. The weather that morning looked a bit ominous, but as our buses pulled up to the farm, the sky began to break and the sun shone down on us from above. We were welcomed to the farm by Farmer Anne who  lined us up to go into the barn to watch a play about the life cycle of a pumpkin.

Inside the barn, we met Mrs. Scarecrow.

Farmer Anne and Mrs. Scarecrow taught us about the all of the stages in the life cycle of a pumpkin. We all enjoyed the many antics of Mrs. Scarecrow and the tricks she played on Farmer Anne. 

After the play, we were led back outside where we enjoyed wandering through a corn maze and then a straw maze.

Then, it was time to climb aboard hay wagons and make our way out to the Pumpkin Patch. There, each student hand-picked his/her own pumpkin to take home and enjoy.

Finally, we made our way back to the snack area where everyone enjoyed a fresh, crisp Empire apple. They were delicious!

We said our 'goodbyes' and boarded the bus to make our way back to the school. And would you believe, not a drop of rain fell on us the entire time we were there. Thanks for a great time, Brian and Anne!

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