
Monday 22 October 2018

Party Snacks

Last Friday, October 19th, a special note was sent home in your child's Mr. Zip Bag detailing a schedule for party snacks and food choices for the remaining months of the school year. Historically, parents have sent in various snacks and foods for special days such as Hallowe'en, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter and the End of the Year Party. Much of the time, the amount of food sent in has been overwhelming. Sadly, the children often have a few bites and the rest ends up in the garbage can. This year, we have tried to solve that problem by assigning each family with one of those celebrations mentioned above. We have indicated a treat that you might want to send in, as well. We want to make this a shared experience for our K-1 families and we do not want to overburden anyone. If your assigned snack/date are a concern, please get in touch with us. If you are satisfied with what we have proposed, then there is no need to reply.

Thank you for considering this 'new approach' to holiday party foods/treats. We appreciate the contributions you make to these celebrations. The children enjoy them and so do we. We simply want to eliminate waste and avoid 'over-sugaring' the children as much as we can.

Thank you.

J. Pickett and A. Pietrobon

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