
Thursday 1 February 2018

Prepare to Hibernate

On Friday, February 9th we will be hibernating in our classroom. We are currently learning about hibernation as part of our winter science investigation. We are encouraging you to send your child to school that morning in his/her pajamas and bathrobe. You may also want to pack slippers in his/her backpack, too. Label all clothing items, please. As the temperatures are bitterly cold outside, you may wish to layer your child for added warmth. Children may also bring their favourite stuffed animal to enjoy throughout the day. As an added part of the day, we would ask that your child bring a small stuffed animal to leave in our ‘hibernation den’ throughout the rest of the winter season. On the first day of spring, these animals will ‘wake up’ and have a celebration before coming back home with your child. Throughout the day we will also be enjoying some hibernation activities and playing some special games. A healthy hibernation treat will be served later in the day.

Thank you in advance for participating and making our Hibernation Day a success.

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