
Monday 6 November 2017

Progress Reports 
(Communication of Learning)
to arrive home 
Thursday, November 9th

On Thursday, November 9th, your child will bring home his/her 'Communication of Learning' document highlighting progress to this point in the school year. Enclosed in the envelope will be a letter informing you of dates whereby we can come together for 15 minutes and discuss your child's progress and set some goals as we move further toward the end of the first term. Mr. Pickett and Miss Pietrobon look forward to meeting with each family and discussing your child's accomplishments to date. PLEASE send back the form which will accompany the 'Communication of Learning' document listing at least 3 potential times/dates when we might get together. Requests will be honoured on a first come/first serve basis. We will do our very best to honour your requested time. If, for some reason, the times offered DO NOT conveniently work with your schedule, that's okay. We will set up another time which works best for our combined schedules.

It is an honour to journey alongside your child in his/her learning. We look forward to coming together and celebrating their successes and planning for continued growth.

J. Pickett
A. Pietrobon

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