
Wednesday 25 October 2017

Kindergarten Halloween Parade

Where:  Parnall School (outside along the front sidewalk)
When:  Tuesday, October 31st
9:00 AM

Students are to arrive at school that morning dressed in their Halloween costumes. The Kindergarten Halloween Parade will begin after morning announcements. The children will exit out the Kinder playground gate and parade up to the sidewalk infront of the school. They will reenter the school through the main doors. Parents are asked to line either side of the sidewalk to view the children and take pictures.

Following the parade, children are requested to change out of their costumes and into regular school clothes. Please provide a bag that all of the various costume components can fit into for safe transporting home. We will help your child place his/her costume bag into their backpack so that it can make its way home for trick-or-treating that night.

We will have a brief Halloween Party beginning around 1:35PM. You may wish to contribute a small treat for the party. If so, please be aware that we have children with allergies to peanuts, gluten, eggs and dairy in the room. Thank you for considering the safety of all of our children when planning a treat. There are 29 children in the classroom. 

Many thanks!

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