
Tuesday 2 February 2016

Valentine Celebration

Next week the students in K-1 will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on the morning of February 12. This is an Early Release Day, so students will only be at school until 12:05PM. In preparation for our celebration, please give some consideration to the following items…

  • Each child will need to bring in an empty Kleenex box to decorate as a Valentine Card Box. Please send in a box with your child’s name written on the bottom before Monday, February 8th.

  • If your child wishes to make/give other students in the room a Valentine, please DO NOT address the outside of the cards with names as most of our children are non-readers. There are 27 students in our classroom.

  • If you are wanting to contribute a snack item for our party, please consider food options that are wholesome and healthy (e.g., fruit, vegetables, crackers, cheese, popcorn, etc…).

  • Children will not need to bring in a snack on Friday morning (Feb. 12th) as the ‘party food’ will be more than enough to satisfy the childrens' appetites throughout the morning.

Thank you for helping us make our Valentine celebration a success. If you have any questions, please send in a note or speak to Mr. Pickett or Mrs. Jones at drop-off/pick-up time.

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