
Monday 25 May 2015

RANKIN RUN, a Tremendous Success

On Saturday, May 23rd, over 12,000 people turned out to run in the 10th Annual Rankin Run for the Cure for Cancer. Over $900,000.00 dollars were raised as a result of the contributions made throughout the peninsula. Parnall School was very well represented by 140 team members who raised nearly $3000.00 of the above mentioned total. Many thanks to all of the families and contributors from our school. As a fun way of celebrating our school's accomplishments, Mrs. Penner, Miss Fowler, and several very brave intermediate students volunteered to be targets in a pie throwing contest. Mr. Scott sat in the 'wet seat' as students hurled beanbags at a target which led to buckets of water pouring over his head. What a fun way to celebrate a fabulous achievement. 
Parnall family, you are AMAZING!

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