
Tuesday 14 April 2015

We Are Planning a Trip to Sobeys

On Friday, April 24th, K-1 will be going on a field trip to Sobeys Grocery Store. The trip includes a tour of the different departments and information about eating, pricing, safety, Canadian cheeses, lobster, cake decorating, pizza, organic foods and more! The trip connects to our kindergarten health curriculum. Throughout the year, our students have been learning about the benefits of eating healthy foods and identifying 'everyday foods' (healthy foods) and 'sometimes foods' (special treats).

Pizza orders will be taken as usual that morning, just as is done each Friday morning. We are scheduled to leave the school by bus at approximately 11:30. Our grocery store tour will begin at 11:45. We will depart Sobeys at 1:30 and return to the school where we will then have our lunch.

We ask that you ensure your child come to school that morningwith a substantial snack which they will be encouraged to eat prior to departing for the store. Although your child will be offered snacks at Sobeys, s/he will not be having lunch until around 2:00 in the afternoon.

The cost of field trip is $4.00 per child. This money is intended to cover the cost of transportation only. The actual tour of Sobeys is free. 

If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please indicate your interest on the note which is being sent home with your child today in his/her Zippy Bag. Volunteers will be given a small group of children to supervise and must come on the bus. Sorry, but we cannot accept smaller siblings on this trip. 

Please return the permission form to the school no later than Monday, April 20th. Parents selected to volunteer will be notified by phone by Mr. Pickett.

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