
Sunday 27 April 2014

St. John's Spring Lambs

On Thursday,  April 24th, we travelled by bus to St. John's Conservation Centre to see the spring lambs. Upon arriving, we were divided into three groups and assigned a tour guide. The groups were led to one of three learning areas. Our group began in an old cabin where we learned about how pioneer families lived several hundred years ago. We saw wool being spun into yarn on a spinning wheel that was well over 100 years old. Ms. Julie had a volunteer pretend to be a sheep and she demonstrated how they were shorn.

Then, we moved to the sheep stalls. There was much to see, learn…and smell.

Afterward, we made our way to the Grist Mill where we enjoyed a wonderful story by Tomie DiPaola titled Charlie Needs a Cloak. Through the telling of the story, we were able to consolidate our earlier learning, enjoy a wonderful story and practice our retelling skills.

Mrs. Greenlaw shared the story with the children.

There was a table of props which we used to reenact the story.

Students were asked to assume one of the roles in the story and hold a prop to assist in its retelling.

The sky was a brilliant shade of blue and the sun shone brightly as we boarded the bus to come back to school. The Wheels on the Bus could be heard being sung as we made our way back to town. A lovely day was enjoyed by all.

Many thanks to Mrs. Seinen, Mrs. Fedj, Mrs. Enns and Mrs. Crosby for making our trip a wonderful memory which we will enjoy for a long time to come.

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