
Sunday 16 February 2014

Friendship/Valentine's Party

Mr. Pickett and Ms. Campbell would like to extend a quick "thank you" to all parents and caregivers that contributed snacks and treats for our party last Friday. The children really enjoyed themselves throughout the morning. After placing the Valentine's card boxes throughout the classroom, the students were paired together to help each other deliver their Valentine's cards. The boys and girls combined their reading skills to assist each other in making sure that most cards made it to the appropriate boxes. 

A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Fedj and Mrs. Crosby for joining us throughout the morning. Many hands made light work. We were delighted to have Mrs. Fedj share a special song on her ukelele. 

Songs, fun and laughter filled the morning. After enjoying a beautiful selection of healthy, tasty treats, the students coated up and went outside to enjoy the wintery wonderland awaiting them. Cards and confections were packed up in backpacks to be shared with parents when the children got home. Parents arrived and 'goodbyes' were shared as the boys and girls headed off for a long Family Day weekend. 

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