
Sunday 23 February 2014


In support of our efforts to put an end to bullying in our school, we are encouraging all students to wear  pink t-shirts to school on Wednesday, February 26th. Teachers will be discussing with their students how to spot a bully and what to do about it on that day. The issue of bullying is a major concern in our world today. Education and awareness are key if we hope to empower children (and adults) to eradicate this troubling issue in our society. Wear PINK and support our Anti-Bullying Campaign.

A small problem has arisen and we are hoping that parents can help us to quickly resolve it. Each Friday morning, students bring in money to purchase pizza for their lunch. Most of our students often arrive with their money and a note detailing whose money it is and what the order is to contain in their Zippy Bag. This helps Mr. Pickett and Ms. Campbell quickly compile our order so that it can be sent to the office for processing. We would ask that all parents/guardians please follow this routine. Children often arrive at school not knowing where their Zippy Bags are or if they are to purchase pizza or not. There have even been a few mornings when money has mysteriously appeared on the table with no name or note attached to it. We do our best to figure out who the money belongs to, but sometimes we aren't 100% sure we've solved the mystery. So, we encourage you to attach a note or place pizza money in an envelope with your child's name and order on it to avoid confusion. Thanks so much for your help in this matter.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Happy Family Day!

We will see you on Tuesday, February 18th.
Have fun!

Friendship/Valentine's Party

Mr. Pickett and Ms. Campbell would like to extend a quick "thank you" to all parents and caregivers that contributed snacks and treats for our party last Friday. The children really enjoyed themselves throughout the morning. After placing the Valentine's card boxes throughout the classroom, the students were paired together to help each other deliver their Valentine's cards. The boys and girls combined their reading skills to assist each other in making sure that most cards made it to the appropriate boxes. 

A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Fedj and Mrs. Crosby for joining us throughout the morning. Many hands made light work. We were delighted to have Mrs. Fedj share a special song on her ukelele. 

Songs, fun and laughter filled the morning. After enjoying a beautiful selection of healthy, tasty treats, the students coated up and went outside to enjoy the wintery wonderland awaiting them. Cards and confections were packed up in backpacks to be shared with parents when the children got home. Parents arrived and 'goodbyes' were shared as the boys and girls headed off for a long Family Day weekend. 

Sunday 9 February 2014

Hibernation Day was a HIT!

After arriving last Friday morning, the children quickly took it upon themselves to build some bear dens.

It was not long before the room was filled with hibernating bears.

Later in the day, we read Hibernation Station by Michelle Meadows.

Children were then invited to share as many animals as they could remember from the text which hibernate. Some boys and girls captured their thinking on an anchor chart.
In the afternoon, students were asked to estimate how many "blueberries" were being held in a small, clear bear container.
Students posted their estimates on a chart.
After all of the estimates were shared and recorded, an official count was done using ten-frames. There were 28 berries in all stuffed into that little bear's belly.

We sang and learned new verses to the song, Can't Wait to Hibernate.

Near the end of our day, our hungry hibernators snacked on some tasty popcorn.

A great day was enjoyed by us all!

Valentine's Day

As the 14th of February approaches, the children are finding many ways to build upon their learning. It is amazing how engaging Valentine Candy Hearts can be.

Over the next several days, each student will have an opportunity to design and decorate a Valentine Card Box. These will be used for our Valentine Exchange Friday morning. Thanks to all of you who sent in Kleenex boxes. We are still a few short, so any extra empty boxes you might have taking up space in your Grey Bin would be greatly appreciated.

Some of you may wish to contribute a small treat for our party on the morning of the 14th. That would be greatly appreciated. Some suggestions might be sugar cookies, small veggie trays & dip, crackers and cheese, fruit punch drink with Dixie cups and mini-cupcakes. Please put your family name on any containers that you send to school so that they can be properly returned.

As the children are only in school for half a day on Friday, there will be no need to send a snack with them. Donations of party food will ensure that no one goes hungry.  

Sunday 2 February 2014

 Friday, February 7, 2014
On Friday, February 7, 2014, students are encouraged to wear their pyjamas to school for Hibernation Day. Don't forget to bring your favourite stuffie. 

Let it Snow!

What do you get when you mix a whole lot of snow with some plastic shovels and a group of excited Kindergarten students? Take a look.

Come Fly With Us

It all began with a few blocks and some very creative Kinders. Over the course of several days, a handful of boys and girls decided to build a plane in the block centre. Each time Mr. Pickett and Ms. Campbell came over to check out the progress being made, new aircraft parts had emerged. A cockpit, wings, a tail fin, a steering yoke and a cozy passenger area which could seat 4 people. Next came the runway and a city which was visible from the cockpit. The pilot, co-pilot and passengers were ready for their first flight. The question was posed, "Where would you like to go?" There was no doubt about it. Everyone decided that Disney World would be the perfect destination. This gave Ms. Campbell an idea. "In order to fly from Canada to Disney World, you will need a passport." So the children created their own passports.

Who could leave on an airplane for Disney World without luggage? So, passengers created their own carry-on baggage. Note the wheels. :o)

By this point, interest in this provocation had feverishly spread across the room. Everybody wanted in on the act. So, the learning carpet was transformed into an Air Canada aircraft. Passengers had to present their passports and check their baggage before boarding the aircraft. A pilot and co-pilot were selected to pilot the aircraft to Orlando, Florida. Through the magic of YouTube and the LCD projector in the classroom, YouTube clips were played to simulate takeoff and touchdown. 

Passengers sat safely in their seats taxiing down the runway. 

Once the plane landed in Orlando, YouTube took us on an exciting tour of some of the attractions at Disney World.

After experiencing the excitement of touring around Disney World, the children didn't want the adventure to end. A suggestion was made to fly to China. So, off to China we flew. Once there, we toured the Great Wall. Thanks, YouTube. Then, we had an opportunity to visit a Chinese school where children were learning to read numbers in Mandarin. 

The next day took us on a flight to Africa where the students enjoyed an African safari. This led to a classroom safari where children had to seek out and find pictures of African animals posted in 'not so obvious places' around the room. 

The following day, our aircraft took us to the Arctic. The temperatures were bitter outside, so we decided to learn a bit about the wildlife that resides in the Arctic. 

As the week drew to a close, we decided to finish our world tour by flying to Venice, Italy. Again, YouTube provided great footage of approaching Venice from the air. The boys and girls noticed quickly how much water surrounded the buildings in Venice. Again, another YouTube tour guide clip introduced the children to the sights and sounds of Italy's floating city. We enjoyed eating our pasta lunch in Venice. Ahhh!

Following our tour of Venice, children found a large piece of craft paper and a variety of blue paints in various tints, tones and shades awaiting them the next morning. Those who wanted to use their hands to create a huge mural of blue were invited to participate at the art table. Painting the paper with your hands covered in blue paint is so much fun.  Once the paper was dry, Ms. Campbell cut the paper into different shapes to represent the waters of Venice. These pieces of paper were placed in the centre of the learning carpet as the class sat around the perimeter. One by one, students were invited to select as many blocks as their years in age. They could then contribute to creating a small scale representation of Venice.

Here was how 'our Venice' looked when it was completed.

A few students created their own tributes to Venice, Italy. Here is what one Senior Kindergarten young lady created.

(Welcome to Venice. We are at the waterside.)

Our tour around the world was tracked on a map. 

I wonder where our travels might take us next?
Glad To Be Back

I want to personally thank all of you for your patience and understanding throughout these past two weeks. The blog has gone unaltered since mid-January due to a personal family matter which my wife, children and I are currently working through. Over the course of the next five months, I will do my best to maintain the blog and post current information relating to the learning and upcoming events scheduled in the classroom/school. Highlighting and sharing classroom happenings is a joy for me and I look forward to bringing that information to you each week. Again, I appreciate your patience in this matter.