
Monday, 18 December 2017

You Are Invited to Attend...

The Parnall Glee Club/Kindergarten Christmas Concert
Wednesday, December 20th at 2:00PM
Parnall School Gymnasium
We hope to see you there.
Just a Reminder...
Label ALL Winter Clothing

Our cubbie area is now overflowing with snowpants, hats, mitts, gloves, scarves and coats. PLEASE label all of your child's outdoor winter wear. We are trying to keep up with literally hundreds of shoes, boots and clothing items. Having EVERYTHING clearly labelled helps in keeping things organized and stored in the correct area. Thank you.

Cold and flu season is upon us and it is at this time of the year that we ask for contributions toward our classroom 'Kleenex stash.' You cannot imagine how much Kleenex we go through in a single day. At times, it is staggering. If you are able, please send in a box or two so that we can keep noses as comfortable as possible throughout the winter months. Many thanks!
Tuesday, December 19th

Just a quick reminder to all K-1 families that PASTA DAY will be held tomorrow and NOT on Wednesday of this week with the rest of the school community. Our reasoning for having it a day in advance of the rest of the school has EVERYTHING to do with our Kindergarten Christmas Concert which will be held at 2:00 PM on Wednesday, December 20th. Wednesday is already a 'jam-packed day' for our little people. We felt that 'spreading the joy' out a bit across the week was better for all of us than trying to over pack Wednesday. We certainly hope that this is not an inconvenience for any of you. Thanks for your understanding.

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Guess Who Arrived on JOY DAY?

After receiving a 'Special Delivery' letter from Santa Friday morning, the boys and girls went on a long search throughout the classroom to find the elf that Santa had promised he'd sent. Eventually, the elf was the pot of geraniums on our window. Sneaky little guy. The children then went to work trying to select a name for the elf. More than 20 names were put forward before we narrowed it down to just three. Those were...Candy, Melvin and Rudolph. Each student cast his/her vote for only one name and the one chosen was...
Welcome aboard, Rudolph. We are glad to have you in K-1 this Christmas season.