
Thursday, 24 August 2017

Welcome to the K-1 
Kindergarten Class at 
Parnall School

Mr. Pickett, Miss Pietrobon and Mrs. Disher would like to welcome you to our Kindergarten classroom (K-1) at Parnall Public School in St. Catharines, Ontario. We are glad that you have found us on line. We hope that you will come here throughout the week to see what is happening in our room and to stay informed about upcoming classroom and school-wide events. 

Each month, a calendar will be uploaded onto this site for easy downloading. It will have important information on it concerning daily events, special lunch days, assemblies, field trips and many other items of interest. Look to the right of this post and you will see the September Classroom Calendar which will appear under 'Downloads.' On rare occasions, the calendar does change as new events are added to it or corrections need to be made. You may wish to print off a copy to refer to easily or you may want to see the 'most up to the minute' version simply by clicking the September Calendar URL to the right.

Each morning, children are to be dropped off at our Kindergarten Playground area after 8:35AM. There will not be Teacher Supervision until that time. Parents are asked to not arrive at school before 8:35AM unless they plan on staying with their child until a teacher arrives to oversee the children and insure safety.

Children will be dismissed in the afternoon from the front of the school building using the southeasterly front door at 3:15PM. Children will ONLY be released to adults and care providers who have been identified by the custodial parents/guardian on the Trillium Student Verification Form. If students have not been picked up by 3:20PM, they will be taken to the office where Mrs. King will make a phone call to the custodial parent/guardian.

If children arrive at school later than 9:00AM, they must first go to the office and receive a late slip before proceeding on to the classroom. 

Parents are strongly encouraged to label EVERYTHING with your child's name. MANY items of clothing, plastic luncheon containers and other items get misplaced each year as a result of not labeling personal items. We thank you in advance for taking the time to label in order to help us in assisting your child keep track of his/her belongings.

Each child is asked to bring two pairs of shoes to school. Please make sure that you avoid sending shoes that require tying laces or involve complicated straps or buckles. Running shoes that slip on or which have velcro closures are best. One pair of shoes will be worn in the building throughout the day as well as while your child is participating in gym class. That pair of shoes should also not have black soles which often mark and scuff up the gymnasium floor. The other pair of shoes will be worn during outdoor play. For safety concerns, Crocs, flip-flops and loose sandals should be avoided.

Information regarding our Milk Program will be coming home with your child soon. Milk cards can be purchased using Cash-On-Line for $15.00. This card will entitle your child to 20 cartons of either white or chocolate milk. You will receive a reminder from us when your child is nearing the completion of his/her card so that you can purchase another one in its place and your child will continue to receive milk on a daily basis without interruption. 

We are delighted to welcome your child to Parnall School and we look forward to the opportunity of meeting you and getting to know you better. If you have questions, concerns or wish to get in touch with us for any reason, either enclose a note in you child's ZIPPY BAG which will be sent home on the first day of school and should return each morning with your child in his/her backpack or connect with one of us out on the playground prior to school beginning in the morning. We will make every effort to get back in touch with you as soon as we possibly can. 

We consider it an honour and a privilege that you would entrust us with the care of your child. We will do all that we can to maintain that trust and care for your children as if they were our own. Kindergarten is an exciting journey of wonder and learning for your child and we are blessed to accompany him/her on it. Come back here often to see what we are learning.