
Sunday, 29 November 2015

Kinder Family Christmas
Movie Night

You and your family are cordially invited to attend our Kinder Christmas Pizza and Movie Night on Wednesday, December 16th, from 5:30--7:00 PM in the Parnall School Gymnasium. Arrive in your coziest pyjamas with blankets and pillows prepared to enjoy a Classic Children’s Christmas movie. Pizza may be preordered in advance. An order form should have gone home with your child in Friday night's Zippy bag. Slices are at a cost of $1.00 each. Flavour choices include cheese or pepperoni and cheese. Families are encouraged to bring their own beverages from home for all family members who will be in attendance. Free popcorn will be provided for anyone wanting it. As well, the Kindergarten classes will present a short seasonal selection of songs.

To ensure the safety of all children, we ask that there be a parent in attendance with each student.

We hope that you and your family will make plans to attend.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Senior Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Conference

If you are the parent of a Senior Kindergarten student in the District School Board of Niagara, you have no doubt heard that your child will not be receiving a Progress Report in mid-December. In lieu of a Progress Report, Mr. Pickett and Mrs. O'Neill would like to offer you the opportunity to come in for a 10 minute Parent/Teacher Conference to discuss your child's progress thus far this year. Conferences will be conducted beginning Monday, November 30th-Thursday, December 10th at these times...

8:15-8:25 AM
8:25-8:35 AM
3:30-3:40 PM
3:40-3:50 PM

Please enclose a short note in your child's ZIPPY BAG listing 3 choices of dates and times which would work best with your schedule. Requests will be taken on a First Come/First Serve basis. A confirmation of your conference appointment will be sent back to you in your child's Zippy Bag.

We are excited about and anxiously look forward to seeing you so that we might discuss your child's many accomplishments over the past three months.

Mr. Pickett
Mrs. O'Neill


Beginning this week, our classroom will be running a monthly PASTA LUNCH fundraising event to earn money for learning materials in our classroom. Pasta Lunch order forms are coming home this afternoon in your child's Zippy Bag. Students will be given the option to order either pasta with tomato sauce and meatballs or pasta with butter. A roll and carrot sticks with ranch dressing will accompany each meal. The lunch comes at a cost of $3.00 per child. Please complete the form and send it back to school tomorrow (Tuesday, November 24th) with $3.00 cash attached to the order form. If you wish to send additional items in your child's lunchbox to supplement his/her pasta meal, please feel free. Pasta Lunch will be served at our regularly scheduled lunch time (12:15-12:45 PM).

This fundraising event will occur on the last Wednesday of each month throughout the remainder of the school year. We hope that your child will choose to join us as the response in past years has been overwhelmingly positive.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Scholastic Book Orders

Last week, your child brought home several Scholastic Book order forms. Each month, new forms will be sent home to you in your child's Zippy Bag. Take time to look through the forms with your child and discuss the books featured there. Scholastic Book Club provides a wide range of fictional and non-fictional reading material from Pre-K up to High School aged children. The books are of exceptional quality and are often priced far below what you would expect to pay in a retail book store. 

This month, our book order forms are due back to school on Tuesday, November 17th. I will be placing the order with Scholastic the next morning (November 18th). If you wish to order any children's books, please send the form back to school with all of the information filled out accurately. If possible, enclose a personal cheque for the amount owed and made out to SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS. If you do not use cheques, then send cash. After the order has been shipped to me, I will sort the books and send them home in your child's backpack. If you wish for the order to be a surprise (Birthday/Christmas gift, etc...) then indicate that on the order and I will notify you personally so you can drop in and pick up the books without your child knowing. 

Thanks for considering purchasing excellent children's literature for your son/daughter. Nurturing a love of reading in your child is one of the best things you can do to ensure literacy development and success.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Picture Retake Day Today

If you are wanting to have your child's school picture retaken, photographers will be at the school this morning (Thursday, November 5th) to ensure that this will occur. Please include a brief note in your child's Zippy Bag informing us of your desire to have retake pictures taken. Thanks.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Revised November Calendar Online

Following the contract negotiation settlement earlier this week, there have been a number of revisions made to our classroom calendar for the month of November (YAY!!!). You will find the revised calendar to the right of this screen under the 'Downloads' link. From there you can see the revisions and additions which have been added. Feel free to print yourself a new calendar or simply pencil in the changes onto the paper copy sent home this past Monday afternoon in your child's Zippy Bag. 

As always, check our blog often for up to the minute information concerning important upcoming events.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015


Beginning this Friday, November 6th, pizza will be sold for $1.00 per slice for lunch. There is no need to pre-order earlier in the week. Simply send money in to school on Friday morning with your child in his/her Zippy Bag with a quick note indicating whether s/he would like pizza with pepperoni and cheese or only cheese. Feel free to send some supplementary snacks and treats to fill out his/her lunch, as well as a light, nutritious snack for the morning as usual. Milk will be served if you've ordered and pre-paid for your child.  

It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce the reinstatement of our classroom blog. I want to thank you for your understanding and patience while provincial contract negotiations have taken place. Over the next several days I hope to post a number of items which will bring you up to date on many of our 'classroom happenings,' as well as some additional important dates which you will want to add to your November calendar.

Again, thank you for your patience. It is good to be back!